but now at least it's music related: I'm privileged to have recently joined the New Dominion Band out of Springfield. Here's a writeup on a local blog for the Springfield area. The band practices a short walk away from where I played my first paying gig and also my high school.
At the Independence Day Celebration at Virginia's Great Meadow I was part of the Guard's opening festivities and then joined Daryl and his band of boogie woogie extraordinaires.
The next day I found them at the bar near my boat.
After the Guards marched in the NYC Tartan Day Parade we retired to the roof of the NY Athletic Club to enjoy a lovely, warm day with great views of Manhattan's Skyline
Go forth and gather two of each species you find. Adam said, "Is it because I have a boat and you want me to save them?" "No," Sayeth the Lord, "You need to eat."
or Snow-mageddon, Snowpocolypse, Call it what you like but it's still the largest snowfall on record for our area. Here's my mother showing the over her head height of drifts of snow on my deck. There's about 45" of snow on the ground around the house.
and this one has nothing to do with a boat. Hence the correct spelling sequel. This is my second blog and one for my business. I've copied all the Success category blogbits to a new blog focused on personal development: Personal Polishing