Monday, December 15, 2008


...interview...interview. Keeping my mind off the 'Skins miserable end to the playoff hopes

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Colour Guard Debuts

Alexandria's annual Scottish Christmas Walk was the first appearance of the St. Andrews Society of Washington DC Colour Guard. You can see we are even in step!

A nipp(l)y Walk this year. Found a quirk to the Guard kilts. The synthetic material promotes static cling. Sporran looked like a flattened Pekingese by the Walk's end.

Met some great people. This is going to be fun.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rainbow over the Nation's Capital

Hopefully there lies my next pot of gold. Welcome to Washington President Elect Obama....please spend money.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Buy my timeshare

It's a great deal and the only reason I'm parting with it is because the next time I go to Freeport, Grand Bahamas I'll be bringing my own two bedroom apartment with me, under sail.

Island Seas Resort Ad

Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm not naive enough to believe I was the last of 15000 Americans laid off last week, but I was one of them. It's nothing new to me and I know I'll be fine. What is new is that, as I pondered the diversification of my (remaining) financial capital this past month, it occurs to me that I'm a victim of not diversifying my human capital. I have one employer,customer,contract converting all the hours I work into cash. If that position fails, devalues, or just slows below goal, I should have other positions in which I'm engaged balance out the loss. So I'll never work for an employer or a single contract again. I'm diversifying. So should you.

I'm already continuing my other security management contract but I'm interested in applying some of my expertise to recruiting, investing in green technologies, providing boutique security services such as audits, assessments and training in small, easy to purchase sessions, and I've even got an invention to patent and pursue.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I found the Great Pumpkin(s) Charlie Brown!

On a recent trip to Vermont I found these (no shit, these are real) pumpkins filling the backs of trailers and trucks. Charlie out here next year.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Yes they can

Here's the link on YouTube:

Great job Gizmo and Mike. They raised fifteen thousand dollars for a local charity and earned a spotin the Guiness World Book of Records.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

On the Wye River

Roaring through the Wye River and Granary Creek marshlands startling Geese to flight. Picturesque Wye River area and our neighbors.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Can they do it?

Mike & Gizmo of Chics & Wings are in the first third of their effort to set the Guinness World Record for consecutive 24 hour days. I logged my name as todays witness to the feat. They hope to raise $18,000 for a local charity, St. Jude's.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Getting speed

That's 7.94 folks....hull speed of Seaquel with only half her sails out.

While the original owner felt that Seaquel did her best in 12 knots of wind,

I found out that 16-25 with half her sails out makes Seaquel her best.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Seaquel is in her new home

After waiting out the storm, the crew and I motored Seaquel to Solomons Island for the first night and then to the slip where Big Ease was and Seaquel fit perfectly, even with Adam's RIB still in the slip. Here are some pics of the trip and the boat. Here I am taking a break from typing up this blog.

The view from the front porch on a linoleum flat bay after Hurricane Hanna came to town and took all the wind with her.

Here's the view from the helm as we motor from the Northern Neck to Solomons Island, MD.

With the boat parked and secure, it's time to be hospitable...

Tea anyone?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hanna is upon us
Now only a tropical storm Hanna is pushing 50 knots maxand here in the cove I feel an occasional 40. The boat is fine sheltered from the surging water so far. High tideand a strong complementary breeze is a few more hours away.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

...tracking Hanna

Trying to decide if I can pick up my boat in the face of the first of three named winds coming our way in the next fortnite.
Saturday I should be in Solomons after sailing since daylight from the Northern Neck.
Sunday is the last leg getting into the marina before dark and should be windless.
Great sailing albeit rainy is forecast for Saturday but after a boisterous Friday overnight as Hanna's remains scatter across the area.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Posted on 30 Aug 2008 at 02:51 UTC

At the bar now and later on stage playin with my friend John Lusby.

Sequel - The Marine Survey is in

$200,000 valuation on the boat I'm buying for $173,000. Not bad.
No problems but some missing regulatory stickers for the fuel tanks and the safety equipment that can expires, has.

Good work by Kirby Smith at Tidewater Marine Services. His quote on the boat to Jay was "Bristol". This makes her old and new owners very proud.

Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Put a call to a buyer on SCOW to see if I can get a member to buy the S/V Big Ease.

Here she is in a light breeze at sunset on the Chesapeake Bay. I'm going to miss this boat.

Everything is falling into place to purchase the S/V Seaquel.

Here is a sistership underway.

She has a very roomy layout:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

15 Seconds of Fame

Adam shown here calling the start from the bow of RNYC's boat, S/V Yeeha! in a Washington CBS affiliate, Channel 9 broadcast of sailboat racing on the Potomac in the Tuesday Night DISC Series.

DISC Sailing on Channel 9 News - July 9, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yee Ha! - Look for another inspiring season...

...from the skipper and crew of the S/V Yee Ha! on the Potomac on Tuesdays beginning the 29th of April. Look forward to nautical and culinary prowess upon the water featuring the Hard Times Cafe's "Fire in your hole" Chile (in honor of America's deployed forces everywhere.)

Here we are winning in a year past.

Tartan Day Approaches

Woodrow Wilson once said, "Every line of strength in American history is a line colored with Scottish blood."

On the Friday before the 10th Tartan Day (6 April, 2008), an opportunity to hear just how large a contribution Scots in American have made over the years. This event from my fellow Scot, Vern McHargue is worthy of mention here and your attendence.

The Heritage Foundation

~ and ~

The National Capital Tartan Day Committee

Cordially Invite You

Star-Spangled Scots
How They Shaped America from Yorktown to the Moon

Arthur Herman
Associate Professor of History, George Mason University, and author of How the Scots Invented the Modern World

John Wilson
Professor of Ulster-Scots Studies, University of Ulster in Northern Ireland

Robert Arnebeck
Historian and Author

Hosted by
Vern McHargue
Controller, The Heritage Foundation

Woodrow Wilson once said, "Every line of strength in American history is a line colored with Scottish blood."

Tartan Day, first declared by a 1998 resolution sponsored by Senator Trent Lott, celebrates its 10th anniversary on April 6. The day is meant to commemorate the singing on April 6, 1320, of the Declaration of Arbroath, frequently called the Scottish declaration of independence. It was a letter from supporters of Robert the Bruce to the Pope, seeking papal recognition of Scotland. According to Senator Lott's resolution, the Declaration of Arbroath was an influence on the signers of the American Declaration of Independence. It was a radical 14th Century document that introduced principles such as the king's responsibility to serve the people and the people's right to replace him should he become tyrannical.

Two signers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, John Witherspoon and John Wilson, were Scots and other Founders had Scottish heritage. Many U.S. Presidents also had Scottish heritage, including Ronald W. Reagan; the "W" being for Wilson, an old Scottish name.

Professor Arthur Herman will explore the influence of Scotland and Scottish Americans on the development of the United States. He will discuss the broad influence of Scottish Enlightenment philosophy on the founding fathers as well as the contributions of Scots and Scottish-Americans to the development of the United States. Professor John Wilson will reflect on the Scot-Irish influence, and historian Robert Arnebeck will examine the Scottish roots of Washington, DC.

Friday, April 4, 2008 – 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

The Heritage Foundation’s Allison Auditorium
Reception Following

RSVP Online at or call (202) 675-1752
Terms and Conditions of Attendance are posted online at
All events can be viewed live from our Home Page
News media inquiries, please call (202) 675-1761

214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 546-4400

Friday, January 25, 2008

Burns Night is tonight. It's a celebration of the birthday today of Scottish Poet Robert Burns. The St. Andrews Society of Washington DC has an undersold event this year on Saturday. The Saint Andrew's Society of Washington, DC Burns Supper will be on January 26 at the Washington, DC City Club at Columbia Square (555 13th Street NW). Highland or Military Evening Dress, black tie. Parking will be available in the bulding. Tickets $100.00 per person.

Also on Saturday, the Scottish Foundation of the Virginia Highlands - Wyndham Airport Hotel, Cocktails beginning at 6pm, dinner starts at 7pm. Highland Evening Dress (Black Tie). Contact Maggie.

You can get Haggis by the pound at the Royal Mile Pub: